Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fourth Dispositional Blog: FINLAND vs. AMERICA

Dear Blog Reader, 

Hello.  Instead of talking about Passion like Professor Langholz suggested, I chose to talk about something different.  Recently, I came across a video explaining why Finland schools rock compared to the ones in America; I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about it as well.  In conclusion, do not be alarmed that this blog has nothing to do with passion.  

Matthew Dalthorp

I saw this video the other day; it was really interesting.  Pretty much, the video talks about the Finish school system as it follows this one family's kids for a day.  Here it is:


In conclusion, Finland schools are all about two things:  Relaxation and trust. 

Students are encouraged to relax; they take off their shoes, call their teacher by his/her first name, and usually have the same teacher their entire career.  Furthermore, there are more than one teacher in a classroom, allowing children to get more help.  As they said in the video, "learning is more of a team game; the best and worst pupils in any subject are taught together."

Trust.  The teachers trust the students; they show this trust by allowing students to go on cross-country ski trips...without adult supervision.  Furthermore, politicians stay out of the way.  They trust the principal and know that he/she will get results their own way.  They don't need to be told how to do their job.  Autonomy. 

Finish students spend the least amount of time in a classroom.  Yet they yield the best results.  Why?  Probably because they enjoy being there.  Because going to school isn't something that they dread - its something that they enjoy.  Autonomy.  Intrinsic learning.  All that jazz. 

I just don't get why the United States of America can't be more like this.  Clearly what Finland is doing is working.  At the end of the video, a person mentions that Finland - unlike America - is homogeneous, allowing them to do things differently because they don't have to deal with poverty and ESL students.  Although I agree that Finland does not have these problems to worry about, I still don't see any reason as to why American schools cannot learn something from them.  Schools work better when students relax and have fun; they perform better when government doesn't create requirements; they educate better when they're not cooped up in a classroom all day. 

I heard something that I think fits here nicely.  If you take a doctor from 100 years ago and put him in today's ER room, he would be completely lost and wouldn't know what to do.  If you take a teacher from 100 years ago, however, and put them in today's classroom, they don't skip a beat.  American schools haven't changed much in the last century.  It isn't any wonder that we're getting passed in education scores by other countries - they've changed their education system to go with the times.  Why can't America do the same...?

Finland: 1
America: 0

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